SWM Scripture Club
Copies of the Bible were rare; therefore its precious words were committed to memory. Many were able to repeat large portions of both the Old and the New Testament. Thoughts of God were associated alike with the sublime scenery of nature and with the humble blessings of daily life. Little children learned to look with gratitude to God as the giver of every favor and every comfort. {GC 67.1}
Join Today!
Download the SWM Radio App
You can download the SWM Radio app at the Play store, or you can go to gettheradioapp.live. The apple store will be available in a few days.
Open the app
Open the app, and click ‘More’. Then click ‘SWM Scripture Club’
Create an Account
Click Start Learning, and then at the top right of the screen, you will see the word ‘GUEST’. Click the arrow next to it to go to ‘Create Account’. Fill out the information to create an account. You can skip the spaces that says ‘Optional’.
Go to Dashboard
After your account is created, you are taken to a page where you can begin choosing verses to memorize. This is fine, but you are still NOT a part of the SWM Scripture Club as yet. You need to get to the Dashboard. To do this, you may have to first choose a verse to memorize. Once that verse is offcially chosen, you should be taken to a page that says ‘Dashboard’.
Find the Group SWMRadio.org
Once you are on the Dashboard page, scroll down past ‘Review’ & ‘Learn’ and look for Groups. Once there, you will be asked to search for a Group. Search: SWMRadio.org
No spaces. It is just as it is spelt. When you type it in, you will see the name come up. Click SWMRadio.org, find the Group Wall, and ask to be allowd in (by Adding A Comment). Or you can go to servingwithamission.org and let us know there, We will need your Scripture Club username.
When you are in the group, you should be able to see a list of members and the ‘Leaderboard’.
Begin Memorizing Scripture!
If you have any issues, Just chat or email us. If you have completed all of the steps: