Serving With A Mission
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

help support our missions

Radio Broadcast Ministry
Serving With A Mission Radio was definitely raised by God as confirmed by the unique story as to how it was started. The ministry is now expanding as it furthers its reach to other markets around the world.
24- hour Present truth streaming
Our goal is to provide a platform that gives the listener a constant source of the Present Truth gospel. The platform is to aid the Holy Spirit in keeping one constantly ‘connected’.
on-location outreach ministry
When SWM goes on-location, the goal is to share Christ through books, testimony and song. Our goal is also to collect testimonies to be aired, as well as minister to the elderly and homeless.
medical missionary training
As a way of saying ‘Thank you’ to monthly listener supporters (or ministry partners), SWM offers a FREE medical missionary class. This is an introductory class that gives the participant all of the basics of being a certified medical missionary.

Project Development
As a listener-supported radio station, SWM Radio gives back by offering affordable website design and more. The goal is to help others be represented well as we partner to make a difference in the world.
website design
You, your ministry or business should be represented well on the web. SWM will partner with you to help bring that to fruition at affordable costs.
content strategy
SWM will prayerfully help you come up with a strategy that bests represents your content. You have your message; but what is the best way to get it out to the world? You now would have a partner in ministry.
SWM considers each client a Networking Partner. Ultimately, the mission is to connect each partner so each supports the other.
The Process

Everyone has a testimony. Our objective is to get that testimony heard.

Collaboration and strategy is an important part of coming together to work.

SWM will work to build a website project for you so that your message is represented well.

Now the entities can work together, going out to all the world to make a difference.
Meet A Featured Partner
We believe Jesus is coming soon. We believe the world needs to know. Every person is important. Every person needs to hear.
It is our sincere intention that this website may help spread the knowledge of Jesus, through music and message, throughout the entire world. We have provided tools which can be used to help the world understand the infinite depth of God’s love.
We daily pray for God to use us to glorify Himself. God Bless!

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“For years I desired a SDA Present Truth radio station for there was none. Then I discovered SWM Radio. What a blessing it has been! An oasis in a time when winds of doctrine is blowing and Present Truth is scarce”

“Serving With A Mission Radio provides me with interesting up-to-date spiritually pertinent news! I love the music and worship times that starts my day right!!!”

“I learned about SWM via a friend who found it by accident! I feel it was Providence. I tell as many SDAs about SWM. My brother says, ‘Sis, I love SWM.’ It is a major contribution to one’s spiritual life because of it’s Present Truth focus. Praise the Lord for SWM and may God bless it beyond measures.”