Can You Be On The Monitoring Team?

here is how it works:

You will be part of a team that will monitor SWM Radio for four (4) weeks. Each we we will have you fill out a survey. At the end of the period, we will send you a gift for cooperating.

It’s that simple!

The gift that will be sent is a book from author Aubrey Duncan. 



let’s get started!

Tell Us About You!

Are you affiliated with a church?

Are you Male or Female?

What times of the day is it convenient for you to listen? (Periods are not mandatory, and you can listen to a portion of a period as well. You can also choose more than one.)

I understand that by participating for 30 days (monitoring & filling out the weekly survey) I will be entitled for the free gift.

11 + 2 =

IMPORTANT: After you fill out the form and click ‘Join The Team’, you should see a Thank You page. If you do not see this, please scroll up and check the form to make sure it was filled out correctly.

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