How did this happen?
Years ago the present Program Director for SWM Radio had the desire to learn more about radio. After doing some training, he was offered a job at WTHE in NY, and then later was the Program Director at WVNJ in NJ. Years later when SWM Radio was to come about, he procrastinated. Then one day he received an email to try something on the computer. By the time the sun came up the next morning, SWM Radio was born.

About us
SWM Has a Passion for the Elderly. Here’s Why!
The VP for SWM used to work for a major newspaper in NYC. A part of his job description was to count the returns of papers at the local stores and then report them when he got back to his office. He remembers seeing the elderly on line at the local stores trying to buy lottery tickets. It said a lot for people that old still trying for some type of quality of life.
He also remembered being at nursing homes, and seeing the elderly just sitting around. With so many years on the earth, you know they are most likely reflecting on moments of their past life. The dream for SWM is to help them to think and hope for a future life. One that would bring more quality of life they could ever imagine. What if they could read or even listen to the live SWM Radio broadcast? While listening, decisions will be made! This is why every new city the station visits, one of the stops the station has to make is to the elderly!

- Homeless individuals unsheltered in NY
- Homeless families unsheltered in NY
- Homeless individuals unsheltered in FL
- Homeless Families unsheltered in FL
- Homeless individuals unsheltered in CA
- Homeless families unsheltered in CA
Our Vision
Based on our experience when we are out sharing the gospel, the homeless are always more open to what you are sharing than the average person. Hence when we visit cities, it is always a goal to visit the homeless.
Christ wants us to go into the highways and byways in search of souls. We too easily take it for granted the value of just ONE soul. Imagine the look on the face of one person you normally would have passed by; but because you did not, they took the message and was saved….for ETERNITY!
Keep SWM in prayer as we still make this our goal.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
– Matthew 24:14

Everyone has a testimony. Our objective is to get that testimony heard.

Collaboration and strategy is an important part of coming together to work.

SWM will work to build a website project for you so that your message is represented well.

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Years of Experience
Independent Projects for 2019
New Radio Interviews
You can partner with us to help get this gospel out. Ultimately, SWM wants to reach more territories through Field Reporters. They are essential because they will be the grassroot aspect of the ministry. When Christ ministered, He was among the people. This experience makes the one working stronger. Also essential is the fact that stories will be collected and shared with people around the world. This helps to reach people are not in the field, but are still listening. Moreover, we find people are more receptive when we tell them that we help a station that is trying to get the word out about what is to come.