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Remember SWM Radio is a Listener-Supported station. Your partnership helps support missonary families, radio operations, as well as keeping Gospel programs on the air.
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Please Help Today!
Donate $35 Monthly
2/3 of your monthly $30 donation supports a missionary. While 1/3 goes towards the radio ministry. You get to enjoy a medical missonary class if you decide to renew after 6 months.
Donate $50 Monthly
2/3 of your monthly $50 donation supports a missionary. While 1/3 goes towards the radio ministry. You get to enjoy a medical missonary class after 6 months plus a website!
Donate $100 Monthly
2/3 of your monthly $100 donation supports a missionary. While 1/3 goes towards the radio ministry. You get to enjoy a medical missonary class after 6 months plus a website!
Our Direction
We believe we are a ministry called not to focus on other, but to focus on Christ. We are called to help others however. Our mission is two-fold: 1) Help as many as possible to hear the good news of the gospel, and 2) Help as many as possible to prepare for the coming crisis. Resources go to that cause, and used as Christ leads. May God bless you, and thank you so much for being a blessing.
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
– Matthew 7:12
“Then let no more time be lost in dwelling on the many things which are not essential and which have no bearing upon the present necessities of God’s people. Let no more time be lost in exalting men who know not the truth, “for the time is at hand.” There is no time now to fill the mind with theories of what is popularly called “higher education.” The time devoted to that which does not tend to assimilate the soul to the likeness of Christ is so much time lost for eternity. This we cannot afford, for every moment is freighted with eternal interests. Now, when the great work of judging the living is about to begin, shall we allow unsanctified ambition to take possession of the heart and lead us to neglect the education required to meet the needs in this day of peril?” 6T, pg 130